
This fantastic family community event had its genesis in 2003. Since that time it has grown to become a major signature event for the Capricorn Coast and Livingstone Shire. The event is managed and coordinated by Cap Coast Community Events Association a ‘not-for profit’ group who also produce and manage the hugely successful Capricorn Coast Great Australia Day Beach Party.

Carols by the Beach is a community event in every sense of the word. All the performers are local and everyone donates their time and effort for free to make this afternoon and evening a special event for the whole community to enjoy and come together to celebrate the spirit of Christmas.

In more recent years the program has been expanded to incorporate community markets (from 12pm) and also now feature the Lex Semple Memorial Santa Run Parade. The parade honours the late Lex Semple who for many years, with his ‘reindeer sleigh’ and little helpers, brought joy and excitement to children and residents along the Capricorn Coast with his legendary pre-Xmas Santa runs.

Absolutely free and accessible to the entire community the event provides a safe, alcohol-free family environment and a focal point to bring the community together to celebrate the spirit of Christmas. The focus of the entertainment and activities is family orientated and structured to provide a wide variety of entertainments from traditional carols to Christmas song and dance.

Community participation is an important element of the event and provides the opportunity for a wide variety of local community groups, choirs, schools, dance groups, bands and local performers to participate in this major community production.

Since its inception the event has also provided a major fund raising opportunity in support of School Chaplaincy program and the excellent work they do in support of our youth, in particular those at risk. The Yeppoon Lions Club and other community groups also take the opportunity to fund raise with food stalls.

Although the event is primarily staged for the benefit of the local shire based community, the calibre and professionalism of the event from the performance to the staging and promotions perspective has seen the event also attract visitors and tourists from far and wide.

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